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US Internet Users out of 300 Million population

eMarketer presents facts and figures on the US Internet population.

By Debra Aho Williamson - Senior Analyst

On Tuesday Oct. 17, the US reached a milestone: Its population grew to 300 million.
Today, the US population has a median age of 36.2 and a life expectancy of 77.8, according to the US Census Bureau. Well over half (59%) of women are in the workforce and 85.2% of people ages 25 and older have at least a high school diploma.

To commemorate this milestone, eMarketer reviews its estimates of the current demographic makeup of the US Internet population.

As of 2006, 63% of the US population ages 3 and older uses the Internet at least once per month, according to eMarketer. That amounts to 180 million people.

Hispanic Internet users number 16.7 million, comprising 9.3% of US Internet users, according to eMarketer. By comparison, 14% of the US population is of Hispanic origin, according to the Census Bureau.

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